Helene Wortsman (Stage Door Canteen).
John Creighton, Stage Manager, in his Booth (Stage Door Canteen).
John Creighton, the Stage Manager, in his Booth (Stage Door Canteen).
Busboy Abraham [...], U.S. Soldier Jack Korowitz, Junior Hostess Helene Tsang, Seaman Michael Bonifazio (Stage Door Canteen).
Connie Hermer (Stage Door Canteen).
Birdie Manezon and Marion Moore (Stage Door Canteen).
Everett, Electritian (Stage Door Canteen).
Thomas Coles, Porter (Stage Door Canteen).
Richard Beckhard, Executive Committee and Russ Mitton, Stage Manager (Stage Door Canteen).
Everett, Electrician (Stage Door Canteen).
Birdie Manezon, Assistant to Marion Moore and Phil Denman, Busboy (Stage Door Canteen).
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lorber, Busboy and Co-Chairman of Kitchen Committee (Stage Door Canteen).
Busboy Saul Mourikes and Junior Hostess Tessy Keane (Stage Door Canteen).
Kitchen Ladies (Stage Door Canteen).
Kitchen Workers (Stage Door Canteen).
Senior Hostess Charlotte Ives [...] and Food Checker Barbara Robbins (Stage Door Canteen).
Mrs. Aylesworth Gives Out Radio Tickets to Marine James Nomandy (Stage Door Canteen).
Peggy Caudrey of the Kitchen Crew (Stage Door Canteen).
Mildred K. Lebon and Theresa Powers, Checking In (Stage Door Canteen).