Senior Hostess Co-chairman Osceola Archer, Busboy Victor Wittgenstein, Junior Hostess Helene Tsang and Sailor Michael Bonifazio (Stage Door Canteen).
Osceola Archer, Co-chairman Senior Hostess Committee, Victor Wittgenstein, Busboy and Helene Tsang, Junior Hostess (Stage Door Canteen).
Busboy Phil Denman, Senior Hostess Co-chairman Osceola Archer, Junior Hostess Helene Tsang, U.S. Sailor Carl [...] and French Sailor Marcel Gouthier (Stage Door Canteen).
Busboy Abraham [...], U.S. Soldier Jack Korowitz, Junior Hostess Helene Tsang, Seaman Michael Bonifazio (Stage Door Canteen).
U.S. Soldier Jack Korowitz, Busboy Abraham [...], Junior Hostess Helene Tsang and U.S.C.G. Michael Bonifazio (Stage Door Canteen).
French Sailor Albert, Busboy Maurice Minnich, Junior Hostess Janet Fox, Senior Hostess Regine Valdy and French Sailor Lucien (Stage Door Canteen).
Senior Hostess Captain Gretchen Droune and Seaman Raymond F.O'Neill (Stage Door Canteen).
Senior Hostess Captain Gretchen Droune with Seamen Paul R. Sanders and Raymond F. O'Neill (Stage Door Canteen).
Senior Hostess Captain Gretchen Droune, Seaman Paul R. Sanders and Seaman Raymond F. O'Neill (Stage Door Canteen).
Busboy Herbert Kingsley, US Sailor Michael Alassi and Junior Hostess Captain Vivian Smolers (Stage Door Canteen).
Busboy Robert Gilfillen, Senior Hostess Muriel Starr, Junior Hostess Dorothy Gallagher and British Sailor James Dollard (Stage Door Canteen).
Busboy Herbert Kingsley, Junior Hostess Trilby Anderson and U.S. Sailor Michael Alassi (Stage Door Canteen).
Busboy Robert Gilfillen, Junior Hostess [...] Gallagher, British Sailor James Dollard (Stage Door Canteen).
Busboy Gene Curry, Junior Hostess Mildred Clinton, British Soldier Tony [...]-Berwick, French Sailor Marcel Gouthier, U.S.C.G. Michael Bonifazio (Stage Door Canteen).
Busboy Morton Gottlieb, Junior Hostess Ruth Last, British Sailor James Dollard (Stage Door Canteen).
Junior Hostess Hermine Rich Isaacs, Senior Hostess Gretchen Droune, Busboy Will Sounders and Marine James Nomandy (Stage Door Canteen).
Junior Hostess Janet Fox and Busboy Maurice Minnich (Stage Door Canteen).
Busboy Saul Mourikes, US Sailor Andy Mann, Junior Hostess Tessy Keane and British Sailor Arthur James Lewis (Stage Door Canteen).
Junior Hostess Ruth Last, Busboy Saul Mourikes and U.S. Sailor Andy Mann (Stage Door Canteen).