Busboy Norman Lowndes, Card Checkers Winifred Zimmerman and Harriet Zimmerman (Stage Door Canteen).
Private First Class Owen Williams, Busboy Phil Denman and Junior Hostess Jane White (Stage Door Canteen).
Busboy Phil Denman and Junior Hostess Captain Cynthia Carlin (Stage Door Canteen).
Junior Hostess Elizabeth Daring, Sergeant Robert Evans and Busboy Phil Denman (Stage Door Canteen).
Cynthia Carlin, Junior Hostess Captain and Phil Denman, Busboy (Stage Door Canteen).
[...] Williams, Busboy Robert Carleton and Junior Hostess Jane White (Stage Door Canteen).
USCG Cliff [...], Busboy Robert Carleton, Junior Hostess Jane White (Stage Door Canteen).
Busboy Robert Carleton, Junior Hostess Jane White and [...] Williams (Stage Door Canteen).
Corporal Leroy Feurtado, Busboy Phil Denman, Junior Hostess Helen Shields and Corporal William Roney (Stage Door Canteen).
Junior Hostess Jane White, Corporal William Roney and Busboy Robert Carleton (Stage Door Canteen).
Jane White, Junior Hostess, Corporal William Roney and Busboy Robert Carleton (Stage Door Canteen).
Junior Hostess Janet Fox and Busboy Maurice Minnich (Stage Door Canteen).
Busboy Saul Mourikes and Junior Hostess Tessy Keane (Stage Door Canteen).
Birdie Manezon, Assistant to Marion Moore and Phil Denman, Busboy (Stage Door Canteen).
Busboy Robert Gilfillen, Junior Hostess [...] Gallagher, British Sailor James Dollard (Stage Door Canteen).
Busboy Saul Mourikes, Junior Hostess Tessy Keane and Chinese Soldier Stanley Chin (Stage Door Canteen).
Sergeant Richard Mulligan, Busboy Carl Van Vechten and Junior Hostess Janet Fox (Stage Door Canteen).
Senior Hostess Charlotte Ives [...] and Food Checker Barbara Robbins (Stage Door Canteen).
Busboy Morton Gottlieb, Junior Hostess Ruth Last, British Sailor James Dollard (Stage Door Canteen).