Captain Harold Jackman, Junior Hostess Shirley Booth, Private First Class Bob Moore and Irving Spergel (Stage Door Canteen).
Busboy Will Saunders, Junior Hostess Shirley Booth, U.S.C.G. Cliff [...], Private First Class Bob Moore (Stage Door Canteen).
Junior Hostess Shirley Booth and U.S.C.G. Cliff [...] (Stage Door Canteen).
Junior Hostess Shirley Booth, U.S.C.G. Cliff [...] and Busboy Saul Mourikes (Stage Door Canteen).
Corporal William Roney, Busboy Carl Van Vechten, Junior Hostess Shirley Booth (Stage Door Canteen).
French Sailor from the Richelieu, Albert, Junior Hostesses Shirley Booth and Janet Fox, Busboy Tom Rutherford and Sergeant Richard Mulligan (Stage Door Canteen).
Lucien, from the French Warship Richelieu, Junior Hostess Shirley Booth, Busboy Scott Edwads and Sergeant Richard Mulligan (Stage Door Canteen).
Lucien, Sailor on the French Battleship Richelieu, Busboy Scott Edwards and Junior Hostess Shirley Booth (Stage Door Canteen).
Lucien, French Sailor on the Battleship Richelieu, Busboy Scott Edwards and Junior Hostess Shirley Booth (Stage Door Canteen).
Private First Class Bob Moore, Irving Shergel, Busboy Tom Rutherford, Soldier Leroy Feurtods, Senior Hostess Dorothy Peterson (Stage Door Canteen).
Sergeant Richard Mulligan, Junior Hostesses, Shirley Booth and Janet Fox, Busboy Tom Rutherford, French Sailor from the Richelieu, Albert (Stage Door Canteen).
Lucien, French Sailor from the Battleship Richelieu, Busboy Scott Edwards and Junior Hostess Shirley Booth (Stage Door Canteen).
Private First Class Herbert Coburn, Busboy Coby Ruskin, Junior Hostess Captain Dorothy Williams, Sergeant Robert Evans (Stage Door Canteen).
U.S. Coast Guard Cliff [...], Busboy Tom Rutherford, Junior Hostess Cynthia Carlin, Ensign Frank Spectuzzi, Private First Class Bob Moore (Stage Door Canteen).
U.S. Sailor Harvey Finpock, Junior Hostess Chairman Vivian Smolers and Private First Class Herbert Coburn (Stage Door Canteen).
Private First Class Owen Williams, Busboy Phil Denman and Junior Hostess Jane White (Stage Door Canteen).
French Sailor from the Richelieu, Albert, Junior Hostesses, Shirley Booth and Janet Fox, Co-chairman of the Male Committee, Tom Rutherford and Sergeant Richard Mulligan (Stage Door Canteen).
Junior Hostess, Shirley Booth with French Sailor from the Richelieu, Albert and Janet Fox with French Sailor Lucien (Stage Door Canteen).