Seaman Don Smith, Sergeant Allen Porter and Busboy Saul Mourikes (Stage Door Canteen).
Sergeant Allen Porter, U.S. Coast Guard Frank Piro (Killer Joe), Seaman Don Smith and Busboy Saul Mourikes (Stage Door Canteen).
Seaman Don Smith, Coast Guard Frank Piro (Killer Joe) and Busboy Saul Mourikes (Stage Door Canteen).
Busboy Philip Denman, Sergeant Allen Porter, U.S. Coast Guard Frank Piro (Killer Joe), Seaman Don Smith (Stage Door Canteen).
Busboy Saul Mourikes, Chinese Soldier Stanley Chin, Junior Hostess Ruth [...], U.S. Sailor Andy Mann (Stage Door Canteen).
Busboy Saul Mourikes and Junior Hostess Tessy Keane (Stage Door Canteen).
Busboy Saul Mourikes, Chinese Soldier Stanley Chin, Junior Hostess Ruth Last and US Sailor Andy Mann (Stage Door Canteen).
Sergeant Allen Porter, Busboy Philip Denman, and Seaman Frank Piro (Killer Joe) (Stage Door Canteen).
Sailor Owen Dodson, Sergeant Allen Porter, Seaman Charles S. Sebree, Busboy Vernon Crave (Stage Door Canteen).
Junior Hostess Ruth Last, Busboy Saul Mourikes and U.S. Sailor Andy Mann (Stage Door Canteen).
Junior Hostess Shirley Booth, U.S.C.G. Cliff [...] and Busboy Saul Mourikes (Stage Door Canteen).
Seaman Don Smith (Stage Door Canteen).
Busboy Saul Mourikes, Corporal William Roney, U.S. Sailor Andy Mann and Junior Hostess Tessy Keane (Stage Door Canteen).
S.S. Coast Guard Frank Piro (Killer Joe), Seaman Owen Dodson, Busboy Saul Mourikes (Stage Door Canteen).