The New-York Elephant
This Man Forgot to Shut the Door!
The Horse for the Money.
The Independent Gold Hunter On His Way To California
New-York Tricks Upon Country Dealers. The New-York Watch Stuffer
This Man Was Talked to Death.
[Page from "The Comic Monthly".]
To Avoid a Smash We Sell for Cash.
The Firemen's Career
"Keep them well in front of you, General, and don't trust their boo-hoo-ing."
Let The Police Courts Be Furnished With Mechanical Magistrates
Some Pumpkins.
General Andrew Jackson.
Homeward Bound or Return of the Summer Tourists to the City
The Great Victory in the Shenandoah Valley, Va., Sept. 19th 1864.
Misery. Happiness.
The Great Exhibition of 1851.
The Bottom Out
[Returning to Prison.]