Design for Improving the Old Alms-House
Donnell's, Water Street
City House for J. C. Stevens, of Hoboken
William Street at Exchange Place About 1831
Walton House
[West side of Broadway looking north from Barclay.]
Leonard Bond's Hat Ware-House.
Broadway and Dey Street [Broadway & Rector Street to Broadway & Ann Street]
24 Fifth Avenue
Front Elevation. 3 Wall Street
House of Mansions
City Hall Park
Improving the Old [Arcade Baths, 39-41 Chambers Street.]
Broad Street cor. Beaver Street. [Baxter Street to Broad Street.]
[Rear of the second Trinity Church structure.]
Church of the Ascension, Canal Street N.Y.
N.Y. Theater
Masonic Hall
Interior St. Thomas Church
[City Hall Park.]