["Cozy nook".]
Cozy Nook
[Stable of "Cozy nook".]
[Stable of "cozy nook".]
[Mr. and Mrs. William V. B. Kip request the pleasure of Miss Ludlow's company at a dance in honour of their daughter Miss Cornelia B. Kip.]
Windsor Ball [Guests eating at the ball.]
[The pleasure of Miss Fields' company is requested at the First Assembly.]
"Little Italy." -- Resting.
Rosemary Williams, Show Girl [Rosemary Williams at a restaurant with two men.]
Restaurants, Little Hungary, 47th Street & 46th Street and Broadway.
Rosemary Williams, Show Girl [Rosemary Williams smoking at restaurant with a man.]
[Interior of a restaurant.]
Rosemary Williams, Show Girl [Man lighting a cigarette for Rosemary Williams at a restaurant.]