Third Avenue El, Window of 18th Street Station
[Interior of the 89th Street station of the 3rd Avenue El.]
[Third Avenue El, looking north from the 34th Street station.]
[Interior of an unidentified station of the Third Avenue El.]
[Interior of Third Avenue "El" Station]
[Third Avenue El station.]
3rd Avenue elevated train, 18th Street station.
Loew's Orpheum Theatre
East 16th Street [Ninth Avenue to Twelfth Avenue, West 3rd Street to 23rd Street]
23rd St. Station, 3rd Ave. "L". 1085502.
[42nd Street "El" station.]
[Third Avenue El, 28th Street Station.]
[Third Avenue El at 18th Street.]
[Third Avenue El at 28th Street Station.]
[Third Street El.]
[47th Street station of the Third Avenue El.]
3rd Avenue El, 133rd Street station.