[South Street Seaport]
[Bethesda Fountain]
Fulton Fish Market Dock, 1934
[Lower East Side.]
Broadway Theatre
New York City Skyline
[Fulton Street toward "El" station.]
Brody Crossing
Varick Street
Proctor's 58th Street Theatre
[Roofs, Lower East Side]
[East side of 6th Avenue looking south from 30th Street.]
Proctor's 86th Street Theatre
[8th Street and 4th Avenue, showing Bible House]
[Fulton Street.]
Plan of an Elevated Street Railroad
[East side 6th Avenue looking south from 22nd Street.]
Loew's 42nd Street Theatre
Jolson's 59th Street Theatre
7055204. 14th St. - Canarsie Multi-unit Train in Sutter Ave. Station.