"Commision Trial" [Heads of the Five Families.]
[Gambino Family trial.]
[Pizza Connection arraignment for the Lucchese Family.]
[Albert Shanker before Judge Sayblon in civil court.]
[Robert Chambers trial, for the murder of Jennifer Levin.]
[Abbie Hoffman's drug arrest trial. October 11, 1973.]
[John Gotti during trial.]
Onassis on the stand with her lawyer Judge Simon Rifkin.
[Courtroom scene during the John Gotti trial.]
[John Gotti trial, audio testimony replay.]
[Angry crowd in court.]
[Mark David Chapman hearing for John Lennon muder, February 24, 1981.
Mitchell on witness stand
[Pre-trial hearing for Larry Davis.]
Waiting for a verdict
Sally Quinn on witness stand
[Mitchell Stewart case.]
John Dean on witness stand with defense lawyer Peter Fleming
[Stanley Friedman trial.]