[Eleanor Roosevelt meeting with the principals and playwright of "Sunrise at Campobello".]
[Susanne Suba, Dorothy McKay and a barber holding a barber pole that used to stand in front of the Lafayette Hotel on Fifth Avenue.]
Park Avenue - 49th to 50th Sts. [Park Avenue & 42nd Street to Park Row]
West 44th Street [43rd Street to 60th Street]
Wednesday evening, June 10, 1857, the performance will commence with the drama entitled "Jacobe Leisler; or, New York in 1691" with Mr. R. Johnston as Jacobe Leisler
West 155th Street [64th Street to 178th Street]
[Mrs. Charles Dana Gibson (neé Irene Langhorne) beside a Gibson Girl drawing she posed for.]
[Roosevelt Hospital, Main Entrance.]
[Roosevelt Hospital, Men's Ward.]
[Al Smith with President Franklin D. Roosevelt on the Empire State Building.]
Thursday evening, June 11, 1857, the performance will commence with the drama in two acts, entitled "Rip Van Winkle; or, The Spirits of the Catskill Mountains"
Tuesday evening, June 9, 1857, the performance will commence with the farce in one act, called "The Swiss Cottage"
[Roosevelt Hospital, Bliss Ward.]
Thursday evening, September 25, 1856, the performances will commence with a new version of "Les Filles de Marbre", called "Marble Hearts", in four acts and a prologue
Saturday evening, July 2, 1842, will be performed the laughable piece of "Deadshot"
Hospital, Roosevelt, 59th St. & Columbus Ave.
Wednesday evening, May 20, 1857, will be presented for the third time, the new historical drama in three acts, written by Mr. R. Johnston, entitled "Jacobe Leisler; or, New York in 1691"
#724-726 Fifth Ave. New York City.