Dentist Laboratory, general view of classroom looking north.
Dentist Laboratory, articulating Machines.
Dentist Laboratory, locker Room.
Dentist Laboratory, melting and Soldering furnaces.
Dentist Laboratory, buffing and grinding machines.
Dentist Laboratory, taking working drawer out of cabinets.
General bird's-eye view [of housing development] from tower looking south across green.
Navy base, South Brooklyn, general view.
25 South Street. Seamen's Church Institute, view of classroom in school of navigation.
163rd Street. Y.M.C.A., Union Branch, general view of pool, looking south.
Pavell Laboratories, interior view.
209 West 14th Street. Hammel-Riglander Co. Office floor, general view looking south.
Veterans Hospital, general view looking S.W.
5th Avenue and 42nd Street. New York Public Library, general view of mall looking south.
View of Battery looking south. [Italian War Commission, June 1917.]
[West End Avenue. View looking south from roof.]
Pavelle Laboratories, interior view, counting room.