[Betty Simonoff in "Circus Girl".]
[Pesach Burstein in "The Rebbetzin from Israel".]
[Lillian Lux in "The Rebbetzin from Israel".]
[David Carey and Lillian Lux in "The Rebbetzin from Israel".]
[Bernard Sauer, David Carey and Janece Martel in "The Rebbetzin from Israel".]
[Pesach Burstein and Janece Martel in "The Rebbetzin from Israel".]
[Pesach Burstein and Lillian Lux in "The Rebbetzin from Israel".]
[Lili Liliana and Miriam Kressyn in "From Israel With Laughter".]
[Lili Liliana, Miriam Kressyn, Seymour Rexite and Shmulik Goldstein in Shimon Dzigan's "From Israel With Laughter".]
[David Kessler as Yankel Shapshovitch in Sholem Asch's "God of Vengeance".]
Maurice Schwartz as "Noah Pandre" in "Song of the Dnieper" by Zalmen Schneour
"Song of the Dnieper"
[Miriam Kressyn, Betty Jacobs, Rose Goldberg and Chana Hollander in "When the Heart is Young".]
[David Kessler as Yankel Shapshovitch in Sholom Asch's "God of Vengeance".]
[Betty Simonoff performing at a radio station.]
[Menasha Skulnik, possibly in "God of Vengeance".]
[Anna Teitelbaum in "The Brothers Ashkenazi".]
[Celia Adler in "Life Marches On".]
[Yudel Dubinsky in Dovid Bergelson's "We Will Live".]