[Fela Biro and other performers in "Aristocrats", adapted from Sholem Aleichem's "Mentshn".]
[Hershel Gendel and other performers in "Aristocrats", adapted from Sholem Aleichem's "Mentshn".]
[Michal Gorrin and Goldie Rosler in "Drought" by Hallie Flanagan.]
[Aaron Lebedeff.]
[Cast of an unidentified Folksbiene production.]
[Jacob Ben-Ami.]
[Folksbiene ensemble.]
[Sylvia Hoffman Regan Ellstein.]
[Menasha Skulnik.]
[Dinah Goldberg in a musical at age 11.]
[Production still with Vera Rozanko and Freidele Oysher.]
[Lucy Levine.]
[Fela Biro.]
[Production still with Ben Bonus, Vera Rozanko and Freidele Oysher.]
[Irving Jacobson in an unidentified production.]
[Menasha Skulnik in costume.]