[Rockefeller Apartments, exterior. 17 West 54th Street.]
Rockefeller Apartments, 15 West 54th Street.
Fifth Avenue between 54th and 55th Sts. [Fifth Avenue, 40th Street to 54th Street]
Residence of Mrs. John Hubbard, 24 West 57th Street.
[Broadway and 54th Street.]
Brides House, Savoy [Plaza] Hotel.
Fifth Avenue and 54th Street [Fifth Avenue, 40th Street to 54th Street]
Brides House [Savoy Plaza Hotel].
[Museum of Primitive Art, 13-15 West 54th Street, Rhodes School, 9-11 West 54th Street, and 7 West 54th Street.]
Isabella Barclay [Inc.]. Blake Statuettes.