Mrs. Roy Rainey [residence], 447 East 57th Street.
Residence of Mrs. John Hubbard, 24 West 57th Street.
Susan Graves, 5 East 57th Street.
Studio of Emma Romeyn, East 57th Street.
Frederick Lutz [residence], 447 East 57th Street, NYC. Pine room to desk.
Isabella Barclay, 136 East 57th Street. Blake Exhibition.
Emma Romeyn, Inc. [interior decorator], East 57th Street.
Interiors designed by Isabella Barclay, Inc., 136 East 57th Street.
Residence of Mrs. John Hubbard, 24 East 51st Street.
W.S. Draper [residence], 322 East 57th Street, NYC. General living room from left.