Columbia University. Philosophy Building, view of facade and left wall.
New York Public Library. Rendering of 125th Street branch.
National City Bank, 55 Wall Street. Rendered elevation of Wall Street facade.
Harmonie Club. 4-8 East 60th St. Perspective of facade.
The Lambs Club, 128 W. 44th Street. Rendered perspective.
Calumet Club. Facade and left side wall.
Bellevue Hospital, rendered perspective of facade by Jules Crow.
New York Public Library. Competition drawing, elevation of 5th Avenue and side facade.
U.S. Post Office. Perspective of 8th Avenue facade.
U.S. Post Office. Perspective of 8th Avenue facade with front steps.
New York Public Library.
New York University Library. Facade and grounds.
Carnegie Library, perspective.
[Cornell University Medical College.] 1st Avenue at 28th Street. Facade and entrance.
Columbia University. Perspective view of Low Library and north campus from 116th Street.
New York University Library. Facade near completion.