American Academy of Arts & Letters. South elevation. First & gallery floor plan.
American Academy of Arts and Letters. East elevation & third floor plan.
American Academy of Arts & Letters. Ground floor plan.
American Academy of Arts & Letters. Sections, second floor plan.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art. South Elevation.
National City Bank, 55 Wall Street. Rendered elevation of Wall Street facade.
Fifth Avenue Elevation. The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Elevation of addition to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Transverse Section. South Wing. Metropolitan Museum of Art.
North elevation of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences.
Transverse Section On Centre Line. Metropolitan Museum of Art. ; West Elevation. Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Center part of 5th Avenue elevation, Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Columbia University. Philosophy Building, view of facade and left wall.
Gorham Co., model of cartouche.
J.G. Monument. Rendered perspective of monument from river up to a statue with two temples.
Photograph of a painting of a woman by Virginia Lebrun Pit.
Bellevue Hospital, rendered perspective of facade by Jules Crow.
Maintenance and repair of Madison Square Presbyterian Church.
Front elevation of St. Bartholomew's Church.
Chamber Street Elevation. Hall of Records.