Ground floor plan, New York County Court House. Competition drawing.
Fourth floor plan, New York County Court House. Competition drawing.
New York Court House. Competition drawing, transverse section.
Competition drawing for New York County Courthouse. Perspective.
Fourth floor mezzanine, New York Court House. Competition drawing.
New York Public Library. Competition drawing, elevation of 5th Avenue and side facade.
National City Bank, 55 Wall Street. Rendered elevation of Wall Street facade.
Joseph Pulitzer Fountain competition. North elevation of plaza, rendering, 1/16" = 1'.
University Club, 1 West 54th Street, exterior.
Joseph Pulitzer Fountain competition. Rendered elevation showing fountain centered in front of a semi-circular collonade.
Joseph Pulitzer Fountain competition. Longititudinal section of entire complex, looking west. 1/10 = 1'.
J.G. Monument. Rendered perspective of monument from river up to a statue with two temples.
West Elevation. Municipal Office Building for the City of New York.
Columbia University. Philosophy Building, view of facade and left wall.
Bellevue Hospital, Pathological Wing.
Thomas Benedict Clarke townhouse, 22 East 35th Street.
L' Architecture Aux Salons. Facade Posterieure.
Competitive design for the Brooklyn Municipal Building.