RCA Building. Steps down to Plaza from above.
RCA Building. General axis view of fountain, from above.
RCA Building. Looking down on the fountain, sharp [view].
RCA Building. Looking down on the fountain.
New York City views. RCA Building flooded [with light] from garden plaza.
RCA Building. From Warwick Hotel.
[RCA Building]
RCA Building, Art Gallery. Sculpture Gallery stair case, looking down.
RCA Building, Art Gallery. Stairs from sculpture gallery to picture galleries.
Rockefeller Center. Plaza Fountain from above.
Rockefeller Center. RCA Building from old Union Club.
Rockefeller Center. RCA Building, oblique view from 49th Street.
RCA Building. General view of fountain from right, below.
RCA Building, Barber Shop. General view.
Rockefeller Center. RCA Building, lower part from old Union Club.
Rockefeller Center. RCA Building.
RCA Building. Post Office, general view.
New York City views. RCA Building floodlighted.