Isabella Barclay. Rockefeller Center Exhibit. English Room to fireplace.
Isabella Barclay. Rockefeller Center Exhibit. English Room to window.
Isabella Barclay. Rockefeller Center Exhibit. French Room to garden.
Isabella Barclay. Rockefeller Center Exhibit. Garden.
Isabella Barclay. Rockefeller Center Exhibit. Exterior.
L. Alavoine & Company, Rockefeller Center Exhibition. Reception room fireplace.
L. Alavoine & Company, Rockefeller Center Exhibition. Reception room, general view.
Isabella Barclay [residence]. Chinese exhibit wall paper room.
L. Alavoine & Company, Rockefeller Center Exhibition. Vista from panelled sitting room to library.
L. Alavoine & Company, Rockefeller Center Exhibition. Library to fireplace.
L. Alavoine & Company, Rockefeller Center Exhibition. Library to lamp and screen.
Isabella Barclay, 136 East 57th Street. Blake Exhibition.
Rockefeller Center.
L. Alavoine & Company, Rockefeller Center Exhibition. Library, detail of desk and panelling.
L. Alavoine & Company, Rockefeller Center Exhibition. Library, consoles and mirror.