Mrs. Leo Kessel [residence], 995 Fifth Avenue. Dining room to window.
Mrs. Leo Kessel [residence], 995 Fifth Avenue. Living room.
Mrs. Leo Kessel [residence], 995 Fifth Avenue. Living room, piano group.
Mrs. Leo Kessel [residence], 995 Fifth Avenue. Living room, to fireplace.
Mrs. Leo Kessel [residence], 995 Fifth Avenue. Living room, desk group.
Mrs. Leo Kessel [residence], 995 Fifth Avenue. Living room, side wall.
Mrs. Leo Kessel [residence], 995 Fifth Avenue. Living room, card table and mirror.
Mrs. Leo Kessel [residence], 995 Fifth Avenue. Bedroom to window.
Mrs. Leo Kessel [residence], 995 Fifth Avenue. Bedroom to fireplace.
Thomas A. Yawkey [residence], 992 Fifth Avenue. Dining room.
Madison H. Lewis [residence]. 1165 Fifth Avenue, N.Y.C. Dining room.
Hugh Baker [residence]. Dining room thru doors.
Allen [residence] 1020 Fifth Avenue. Dining room (long table).
960 Fifth Avenue, NYC. Large dining room toward fireplace.
960 Fifth Avenue, NYC. Private dining room toward mirror.
960 Fifth Avenue, NYC. Detail of large dining room fireplace (natural lighting).
Allen [residence] 1020 Fifth Avenue. Dining room thru arch.
Residence of Mrs. Edouard Jonas, 998 Fifth Avenue. Library corner and mirror door.
Lawrence Copley Thaw [residence]. Dining room I.
Mrs. Harry Whinston [residence], 1018 Fifth Avenue.