Dale Carnegie House, 22 Wendover Road, Forest Hills, Long Island, [Queens]. Remodeled bath room, detail 2.
Dale Carnegie House, 22 Wendover Road, Forest Hills, Long Island, [Queens]. Remodeled bathroom, general view.
Greenway Apartments, Burn Street, Forest Hills, Long Island, [Queens]. Exterior.
Forest Hills. [Vertical] detail chimney thru hedge, Markwood Road.
Forest Hills set. Detail. Kuhn's gazebo.
Cord Meyer Development, Forest Hills [Queens].
Forest Hills set. Archway and house.
Forest Hills set. Twin Houses #4.
Forest Hills set. Gates toward Kuhn house.
Forest Hills. [Vertical] detail, Ascon and Winter [Streets].
Forest Hills set. Vert[ical] detail, Christian residence.
Forest Hills. House of group Greenway N.
Forest Hills set. Rear of Middlemay Place House.