Dale Carnegie House, 22 Wendover Road, Forest Hills, Long Island, [Queens]. Remodeled bath room, detail 1.
Dale Carnegie House, 22 Wendover Road, Forest Hills, Long Island, [Queens]. Remodeled bath room, detail 2.
Greenway Apartments, Burn Street, Forest Hills, Long Island, [Queens]. Exterior.
Forest Close, Forest Hills. Long Island for Cord Meyer Corp, general view of Martel St. group. Garage in foreground.
Forest Hills. General view of Beech Knoll group.
Cord Meyer Development, Forest Hills [Queens].
Forest Hills set. Archway and house.
Forest Hills set. Twin Houses #4.
Forest Hills set. Gates toward Kuhn house.
Forest Hills. House of group Greenway N.
Forest Hills set. Rear of Middlemay Place House.
Queens Boulevard. Toward Forest Hills from top of the hill.
Forest Hills. [Vertical] detail chimney thru hedge, Markwood Road.