Irving Berlin [residence]. Living room, printed table detail.
Irving Berlin [residence]. Living room, table and window.
Mrs. Radcliffe Romeyn [residence], 25 East End Avenue. Living room fireplace, detail.
Irving Berlin [residence]. Living room, window with sunlight.
Irving Berlin [residence]. Living room toward window with view.
Irving Berlin [residence]. Living room detail of lamp and china desk.
Mrs. Radcliffe Romeyn [residence], 25 East End Avenue. Living room mantel detail, 2.
Mrs. Radcliffe Romeyn [residence], 25 East End Avenue. Living room table.
Mrs. Radcliffe Romeyn [residence], 25 East End Avenue. Living room vista to game room.
Faris R. Russell [residence]. Living room fireplace detail.
Mrs. Radcliffe Romeyn [residence], 25 East End Avenue. Dining room, drape detail.
Robert A. Lovett [residence]. Living room detail of fireplace
Hugh Baker [residence]. Living room fireplace.
Madison H. Lewis [residence]. Living room to fireplace.
Macy Willetts [residence]. Living room to fireplace.
Madison H. Lewis [residence], 1001 Park Avenue. Living room fireplace.
W. L. Richard [residence]. Fireplace detail, living room.
W.E. Dickerman [residence], 998 Fifth Avenue, NYC. Living room to fireplace.
Mrs. Radcliffe Romeyn [residence], 25 East End Avenue. Tower room, detail, vertical.
Macy Willetts [residence], 604 Park Avenue, NYC. Living room to windows.