Irving Berlin [residence]. Living room, printed table detail.
Irving Berlin [residence]. Living room, window with sunlight.
Irving Berlin [residence]. Living room toward window with view.
Irving Berlin [residence]. Library to windows.
Irving Berlin [residence]. Living room detail of lamp and china desk.
Faris R. Russell [residence]. Living room to large window.
Faris R. Russell [residence]. Living room to side windows.
Faris R. Russell [residence]. Living room large window detail.
Robert A. Lovett [residence]. Living room, view to window.
Macy Willetts [residence]. Living room to fireplace.
Macy Willetts [residence]. Living room to doors.
Macy Willetts [residence]. Living room to piano and painting.
Wilton Lloyd Smith [residence]. Direct view of living room windows.
Faris R. Russell [residence]. Living room to fireplace.
Mrs. Elizabeth F. Howard [residence]. West end living room.
Mrs. Elizabeth F. Howard [residence]. Vertical detail corner living room.
Vincent Astor [residence]. General view decorated living room thru door, candles lighted.
Faris R. Russell [residence]. Living room fireplace detail.
David Bernstein [residence]. Living room, general view.
Wilton Lloyd Smith [residence]. Living room to windows.