277 Park Avenue. Court through arch.
277 Park Avenue, NYC. Garden court thru entrance arch.
277 Park Avenue [Building]. View through arch, noon.
277 Park Avenue [Building]. Vista through arch, 2.
277 Park Avenue [Building]. Vista through arch, 1.
277 Park Avenue [Building]. View through entrance arch from step ladder.
277 Park Avenue. Detail of statues.
277 Park Avenue, NYC. Down shot on garden court.
277 Park Avenue, NYC. Garden court, axis to west.
277 Park Avenue, NYC. Planting detail.
277 Park Avenue [Building]. Detail of statues.
277 Park Avenue [Building]. Garden from upper window.
277 Park Avenue [Building]. Terrace and umbrellas from above.
277 Park Avenue [Building]. Garden from upper window, horizontal.
277 Park Avenue [Building]. Playground, general view to west.
277 Park Avenue. Christmas Tree 1.
277 Park Avenue. Christmas Tree 2.
277 Park Avenue, NYC. Close up fountain toward east.
277 Park Avenue, NYC. Detail of statues and steps.
277 Park Avenue [Building]. Fountain, horizontal.