West 34th Street. Pennsylvania Building. Corridor on 20th Floor, to show floor and marble wainscoting.
West 34th Street. Pennsylvania Building.
West 34th Street. Pennsylvania Building, hall.
225 West 34th Street. Pennsylvania Building.
225 West 34th Street. Pennsylvania Building, main entrance.
West 34th Street. Schraffts Restaurant, to show tile floor.
112 West 34th Street. Building, general exterior.
112 West 34th Street. Building, main lobby.
225 West 34th Street, [Pennsylvania Building.] Interior, detail of ceiling tiles
225 West 34th Street. Pennsylvania Building. Interior, detail of ceiling tiles
330 West 34th Street. Penney Building
17-19 West 34th Street. Formerly Bedell Building.
225-241 West 34th Street. Pennsylvania Building, detail of basement stories, [taken in 1927].
32-34 West 20th Street. General exterior.
[Spear & Company building, 22 West 34th Street.]
West 34th Street. Reppette Candy Kitchen.
West 34th Street. Hotel McAlpin.