Gnome Products Co., 316 East 59th Street, NYC. Exterior from left.
Gnome Products Inc. Detail of bake shop with baker.
Gnome Products Inc. Detail of Gnome's door and Miss Lockwood.
[Gnome Products building, 316 East 59th Street.]
Gnome Products Inc. Show window, close up.
Gnome Products Inc. Tray of rolls II.
[316 East 59th Street. Gnome Bakery.]
Gnome Products Inc. Tray of bread direct down shot.
Gnome Products Co. Exterior from ramp I.
Gnome Products Co. Exterior from right under arch.
Gnome Products Co. Sales room to rear.
Gnome Products Co. Detail of show window.
Gnome Products Co. Detail of lighting fixture and cupboard.
[316-318 East 59th Street.]
Fifth Avenue and 59th Street - The Plaza
Kuhne Galleries, 59 East 57th Street.
Jane Smith, Inc. 135 East 56th Street. Exterior.
Arthur S. Vernay Inc., 19 East 54th Street.