Governor Clinton Hotel, Seventh Avenue and 31st Street. Silver Nails Tavern Bar.
Governor Clinton Hotel, Seventh Avenue and 31st Street. Silver Nails Tavern, pine wall with vignettes.
Governor Clinton Hotel, Seventh Avenue and 31st Street. Silver Nails Tavern, close up detail of vignette.
Hotel Governor Clinton, 7th Avenue and 31st Street
Hotel Governor Clinton. Governor Clinton dining room 1.
Hotel Governor Clinton. Writing room.
Hotel Governor Clinton. Mezzanine.
Hotel Governor Clinton. Coffee room niche.
Hotel Governor Clinton. Bedroom 2047 toward two windows.
Hotel Governor Clinton. Detail of entrance stairs.
Hotel Governor Clinton. Coffee room toward rear.
Hotel Governor Clinton. Governor Clinton dining room 2.
Hotel Governor Clinton. Grill room aisle from left.
Hotel Governor Clinton. Grill room aisle from right.
Hotel Governor Clinton. Lounge.
Hotel Governor Clinton. Governor Clinton dining room corner detail.
Governor Clinton Hotel, NYC. General exterior from roof of Pennsylvannia Station.
Governor Clinton Hotel, NYC. Mirror and drape detail of Governor Clinton room.
Hotel Governor Clinton. Lobby toward rear.
Hotel Governor Clinton. Lobby toward entrance.