Vincent Astor residence, 130 E. 80th Street, N.Y.C.
Vincent Astor [residence], 130 East 80th Street, NYC. General view decorated living room thru [...].
Mrs. A. Varick Stout Jr. [residence], 133 East 80th Street.
Mrs. R. Eldridge [residence]. 134 East 80th Street. Dining room toward fireplace.
Mrs. Walter Sullivan [residence], 61 East 80th Street, NYC. Library toward door.
W. E. Ditmars [residence]. General view from street.
130 East 80th Street. Astor residence.
Residence of Mrs. Lewis B. Morris, 116 East 80th Street. Stair hall, window box detail.
W. E. Ditmars [residence]. Street facade from terrace.
Residence of Mrs. Lewis B. Morris, 116 East 80th Street. Dining room, consoles, sharp [view].
W. E. Ditmars [residence]. Upper hall.
Residence of Mrs. Lewis B. Morris, 116 East 80th Street. Dining room, table and consoles.
W. E. Ditmars [residence]. Library.