Madison H. Lewis [residence]. Living room to fireplace.
Residence of Mrs. I. Schwab, 1001 Park Avenue. Living room to fireplace.
Madison H. Lewis [residence]. Living room corner.
Madison H. Lewis [residence], 1001 Park Avenue. Morning room sofa detail.
Madison H. Lewis [residence], 1001 Park Avenue. Dining room general view.
Madison H. Lewis [residence]. 1001 Park Avenue. Dining room side table.
Madison H. Lewis [residence]. 1001 Park Avenue. Dining room, small table.
Residence of Mrs. I. Schwab, 1001 Park Avenue. Living room to couch.
Mrs. H. Robertson's Residence, 1220 Park Avenue. Living room to fireplace, horizontal.
Mrs. H. Robertson's Residence, 1220 Park Avenue. Living room to fireplace, vertical.
Macy Willetts [residence]. Living room to fireplace.
Hugh Baker [residence]. Living room fireplace.
Faris R. Russell [residence]. Living room fireplace detail.
Residence of Mrs. I. Schwab, 1001 Park Avenue. Dining room.
H.L. Hoops [residence]. Living room (2).
H.L. Hoops [residence]. Living room (1).
Faris R. Russell [residence]. Living room to fireplace.
Macy Willetts [residence], 604 Park Avenue, NYC. Living room to windows.
Madison H. Lewis [residence]. 1165 Fifth Avenue, N.Y.C. Dining room.
Benjamin D. Riegel [residence], 340 Park Avenue. Living room to fireplace.