Peggy Sage, 50 East 57th Street. Sharp view of windows.
Peggy Sage, 50 East 57th Street. Show case.
Peggy Sage, 50 East 57th Street. Rear reception to pedicure.
Peggy Sage, 50 East 57th Street. Office section.
Peggy Sage, 50 East 57th Street. Pedicure room.
Peggy Sage, 50 East 57th Street. Stock room.
Peggy Sage, 50 East 57th Street. East side wall.
Peggy Sage, 50 East 57th Street. Rear reception room to showcase.
Peggy Sage, 50 East 57th Street. West side wall.
Peggy Sage, 50 East 57th Street. Detail of manicure table.
Susan Graves, 5 East 57th Street.
Kuhne Galleries, 59 East 57th Street.
Emma Romeyn, Inc. [interior decorator], East 57th Street.
Studio of Emma Romeyn, East 57th Street.
Isabella Barclay, 136 East 57th Street. Blake Exhibition.
Interiors designed by Isabella Barclay, 136 East 57th Street.
Isabella Barclay Inc., East 57th Street. Chinese panels.