Odd Fellows Hall
George Wilkes. Late Robert Fillingham, on the Road.
Bay of New York, from the Battery
The Crystal Palace.
[Franconi's Hippodrome.]
New York Institution for the Blind
Plan of Mt. Vernon, the Home of Washington.
Autumn & Winter Fashions for 1849 & 1850 by A. Wheeler No. 4 Courtland St. New York
Pulling Down the Statue of George III by "The Sons of Freedom".
Morrison's Cheap Store 186 & 188 Greenwich St., New York.
Washington entering New York on the Evacuation of the Royalists
Souvenir to his Pupils by Allen Dodworth. [Dodworth Hall]
R. P. Robinson, The "Innocent Boy"
Church of the Pilgrims.
The Shed
[New York Institution for the Blind]
Broadway, New-York. Showing each Building from the Hygeian Depot corner of Canal Street, to beyond Niblo's Garden.
James Fenimore Cooper
Steven Van Rensselaer