Church of the Messiah, B'way near Astor Pl. N.Y.
Wallack's Theatre, Broadway and 13th Street.
Theatre, Wallack's & Palmer's B'way & 30th Street.
Broadway Theater.
Old Wallach's Theatre, N.Y. City.
44th St. B'way, N.Y.
B'way and 39th St., N.Y.
B'way and 39th St. N.Y.
A. Skyline of the Southern part of New York City ([...]. the Battery) B. Skyline from the same section of N.Y. City
Wallack's Old Theater
116th St. 5th Av.
67th St. and 9th Av. Squatter Village
[Tripler's Hall]
St. Ambros Church, Cor. of Prince and Thompson St.