Steam-Ship "Pereire".
The Magnificent New Steamship City of Rome, 8,300 Tons, of the Inman Line.
The Magnificent Steamship "City of New York" of the Inman Line.
The Narragansett Steamship Co's Steamer Providence of the Fall River Line, Capt. B. M. Simmons.
The "Great Eastern."
Steamship Hermann.
Steamship Egypt of the National Line.
Steam Ship "Oceanic"
Twin-Screw Steamer "Campania," of the Cunard Line.
Furness Bermuda Line, S.S. "Monarch of Bermuda" Interior, Lotus Cafe.
[S.S. "Monarch of Bermuda".]
Bolognesi, Hartfield & Co., Steamship Agents for Italian Line, 50 Wall St.
Steam Ship Washington
The Morning Rose.
Starucca Vale.
View down the Ravine.
Steamship City of Berlin of the Inman Line.
[Norwegian America Line Pier, 58th Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.]