Twin-Screw Steamer "Pennsylvania" of the Hamburg-American Line.
The Narragansett Steamship Co's Steamer Providence of the Fall River Line, Capt. B. M. Simmons.
Steam Ship "Oceanic"
The Wreck of the Atlantic.
Twin-Screw Steamer "Campania," of the Cunard Line.
United States Mail Steamer "Arago." Bill of Fare
The Royal Mail Steam Ship "Australasian" 3100 Tons
Steamship Egypt of the National Line.
An Ocean Steamer in a Heavy Gale.
The Magnificent New Steamship City of Rome, 8,300 Tons, of the Inman Line.
Ocean Flyer "Baltic" of the White Star Line.
The New-York and Liverpool United States Mail Steamers
SS. "Republic," White Star Line
The Evening Star.
Steamship City of Berlin of the Inman Line.
Hon. Hannibal Hamlin. Republican Candidate for Vice President of the United States.
White Star Line. "Cedric" Leaving Liverpool.
Peoples' Evening Line Hudson River. The Palace Steamers of the World, Drew and Dean Richmond.
The Magnificent Steamship "City of New York" of the Inman Line.
Star of the South.