New - York Harbor from the Battery.
New York Harbor from the Battery
A. Bowling Green, New York; B. Steam Boat Landing, Foot of Cortlandt St
Steam Boat Landing, Foot of Courtlandt St.
Bay & Harbour of New York
The Palisades, from the Landing at Fort Lee
Bay and Harbour of New York from Bedlon's [Bedloe's] Island.
City Hotel ; Grace & Trinity Churches
[Castle Garden]
City Hotel
Grace, & Trinity Churches
Landing of Gen. Lafayette, at Castle Garden, New York, 16th August 1824
A. The City Hotel Broadway; B. Grace, & Trinity Churches.
[Castle Garden and the Battery]
View of New York, from Jersey City.
View of New York from New Jersey
North Battery, foot of Hubert St. New York
New York Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb.