Fort Fish From Nutter's Battery.
Central Park & McGown's Pass [Central Park]
Central Park & McGown's Park [Central Park]
North Battery, Foot of Hubert St. Looking South, 1820
Remains of Cock Hill Fort, N.Y. 1858.
Battery [Amsterdam to Battery Place.]
Audubon Ave. [Amsterdam to Battery Place.]
Fort Washington Avenue & 183rd Street [Collect Pond to Fulton Street]
Remains of Fort George N.Y. 1857.
New - York.
Remains of Cock Hill Fort N.Y. 1858.
North Battery. Foot of Hubert St. Looking South, 1820.
Plan of Fort Greene and Line of Intrenchments, from the Wallabout to Gowanus Creek, with a topographical sketch of the country.
6th Ave. Cottage