Fast Horses of New York
Watering Place on the Road
Fast Trotters on Harlem Lane N.Y.
Eastern N.Y. Eastern Section and Eastern N.Y. Western Section
Madison Cottage, Corporal Thompson Proprietor Fifth Avenue Hotel, Darling, Griswold & co. Proprietors.
The New Depot
My Love and I.
The Grand Procession in Honor fo the Fenian Exiles
Bird's-Eye View of the Great Suspension Bridge
Coming from the Trot
The Celebrated Trotting Horse Henry, driven by John Murphy.
The King of the Road
Empire City Rose. [Various New York City Buildings.]
The Parting Hour.
The Terrace. Central Park
Washington entering New York on the Evacuation of the Royalists
The Trotting Horse George Palmer Driven by C. Champlin.
Grant & Bonner - Dexter's Best Time, 2.16 1/4
N.Y. Zouave