209 West 14th Street. Hammel-Riglander Co. Office floor, detail showing outside of Riglander's private offices.
209 West 14th Street. Hammel-Riglander Co. General offices, reception room.
209 West 14th Street. Hammel-Riglander and Co. Office, section center interior.
209 West 14th Street. Hammel-Riglander Co. Ground floor, general view long.
209 West 14th Street. Hammel-Riglander Co. Office floor, general view looking south.
209 West 14th Street. Hammel-Riglander Co. View looking across through aisles, 3rd floor.
209 West 14th Street. Hammel-Ringlander Co. General offices looking across Bookkeepers and Cashiers Dept.
209 West 14th Street. Hammel-Riglander Co. Office floor, general view looking S.E. from rear. Interior.
209 West 14th Street. Hammel-Riglander Co. Office floor, general view looking north from south end interior.
[125 West 14th Street. 9th Regiment Armory.]
14th Street and 5th Avenue. Lane's Store Lerner, 14th Street entrance.
133 West 14th Street. E-Z Walk Co., punch annealing oven and tinning pot.
West 14th Street near 6th Avenue. 9th Regiment Armory, exterior.
5th Avenue and 14th Street. Loft building.
80 5th Avenue and 14th Street, S.W. corner. .
14th Street and 5th Avenue. Lane's Store Lerner, 5th Avenue entrance.
5th Avenue at the N.W. corner of 14th Street. General exterior.
East 14th Street. Grace Chapel.
55-61 West 13th Street. Noma Electric Co.'s building.