Regine Valdy and Marcel Gouthier (Stage Door Canteen).
French Sailors from the Richelieu, Albert and Lucien, Madame Regine Valdy and Busboy Maurice Minnich (Stage Door Canteen).
Regine Valdy and Killer Joe (Stage Door Canteen).
Regine Valdy and Marcel Goutheir (Stage Door Canteen).
French Sailor Albert, Busboy Maurice Minnich, Junior Hostess Janet Fox, Senior Hostess Regine Valdy and French Sailor Lucien (Stage Door Canteen).
Mrs. Herman Lorber, Co-Charman Food Committee and Samuel Katz, a Donor (Stage Door Canteen).
Two French Sailors from the Richelieu, Albert and Lucien, Junior Hostess Janet Fox, Busboy Maurice Minnich and Madame Regine Valdy (Stage Door Canteen).
Junior Hostess Janet Fox and Busboy Maurice Minnich (Stage Door Canteen).
Senior Hostess Charlotte Ives [...] and Food Checker Barbara Robbins (Stage Door Canteen).
Busboy Phil Denman and Junior Hostess Captain Cynthia Carlin (Stage Door Canteen).
Busboy Saul Mourikes and Junior Hostess Tessy Keane (Stage Door Canteen).
Stage Door Canteen.
Mrs. Aylesworth, Senior Hostess, Presents Radio Ticket to Marine James Nomandy (Stage Door Canteen).
John Creighton, the Stage Manager, in his Booth (Stage Door Canteen).
Corporal Leroy Feurtado, Senior Hostess Jane White and Corporal William Roney (Stage Door Canteen).
George, Porter (Stage Door Canteen).
Junior Hostess Tessy Keane and Canadian Sailor J.H. Keller (Stage Door Canteen).