[Amsterdam Avenue and 106th Street.]
106th Street and West End Avenue. Stanley Court.
[150- 152 West 106th Street.]
[Broadway and 106th Street.]
[248 West 106th Street]
[Northwest corner of Madison Avenue and 59th Street.]
[Amsterdam Avenue at 72nd and 73rd Streets.]
West 106th Street. Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews.
106th Street and Central Park West. General Memorial Hospital.
[Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue at 100th Street.]
View south from N.E. corner of 106th Street and Broadway.
[112-114 Amsterdam Avenue]
150-152 West 106th Street. General exterior.
View looking N.W. at 207 West 106th Street.
211 West 106th Street. Looking N.E. at exterior of apartments.
West 86th Street at the corner of Amsterdam Avenue. St. Germaine Apartment House.
Amsterdam Ave. 100th Street. [Amsterdam to Battery Place.]
[North side West 106th Street, looking east.]
West 79th Street at the corner Amsterdam Avenue. Apartment House, Hotel Lucerne.
Riverside Drive between 105th and 106th Streets.