[Adolph Lewisohn Stadium, in the stadium, College of the City of New York, Andrwe Brummer, architect.]
Stadium, College of the City of New York.
Stadium, College of City of New York, New York City.
[The stadium at the City College.]
Stadium, College of City of New York.
Concert at Lewisohn Stadium, City College
[Adolph Lewisohn Stadium, College of the City of New York, formal reception for Italian legation when Italy entered World War I.]
Stadium, College of City of N. Y.
City College of New York, New York City.
City College, New York.
College of City of New York.
[City College.]
City College of New York--Hunter College Girls
[City College of New York.]
College of the City of New York.
The City College of New York Sesquicentennial
New College of the City of New York.