[Amsterdam Avenue looking north at 176 Street?]
[Northern Avenue, looking north from 189th Street.]
Amsterdam Avenue on the north side West 110th Street. Apartment house.
[Old Village Street, between 166 and 167 Street, looking east from Audubon Avenue.]
[North side of 155th Street between Amsterdam Avenue and St. Nicholas Avenue.]
[Washington Bridge, looking east from Amsterdam Avenue.]
[Looking north from bluff at north east corner at intersection of Amsterdam and Audubon Avenues (194 St).]
[South side of 159th Street, between Amsterdam Avenue and Broadway.]
[South side of 155th Street between Amsterdam Avenue and St. Nicholas Avenue.]
[Florists on east side of Fort Washington Avenue.]
[North side of 160th Street just west of Amsterdam Avenue.]
[2123 Amsterdam Avenue]
Amsterdam Avenue between 176th and 177th Street. Apartment houses.
[Abbey Inn from south east side of the street.]
[Looking east from bluff above Amsterdam Avenue.]
[Looking north from Fort Washington Avenue between Billings Stable and Abbey Inn.]
[Looking northwest on 125th Street at Amsterdam Avenue.]
[Amsterdam Ave and West 177th Street.]