The Cafe Royal.
Cleaning the terrace During the Rain, West Bath House Cafe, Jones Beach.
Cleaning the terrace in the Rain, West Bath House Cafe, Jones Beach.
Private Alan Manson as Jane Cowl (This is the Army).
Private Alan Manson as a Sergeant in This is the ARmy.
Private Alan Manson as a Sergeant (This is the Army).
Private Alan Manson (This is the Army).
"The Closed Saloon".
In the Bronx Zoo.
Irita Van Doren's house.
Cleaning the terrace in the rain, West Bath House Cafe, Jones Beach.
Moving to 101 Central Park West, the van in front of 150 West 55th St.
Trees in the Bronx Zoo.
[Statue of a lion.]
On the terrace, West Bath Home, Jones Beach.
New York Towers.