"The Barracks", Washington Street
Old house going.
Worth Street and Broadway. New York Life Ins. Co. Old building, Worth Street and Broadway. T.A. Buckner's private office.
Old home going.
Worth Street and Broadway. New York Life Ins. Co. Old building, Worth Street and Broadway. Walker Buckner's anteroom.
Worth Street and Broadway. New York Life Ins. Co. Old building, Worth Street and Broadway. Walker Buckner's private office.
Baker Smith and Co. heating plant at Washington and Greenwich Street.
Worth Street and Broadway. New York Life Ins. Co. Old building, Worth Street and Broadway. T.A. Buckner's anteroom.
An old rear-tenement in Roosevelt Street.
Lion in Washington Square.
The Old Style of Tenements, with Yards.
181-187 Hudson Street at Vestry Street, N.W. corner.
76-78 Varick Street at Grand Street, S.W. corner.
Franklin Street and Greenwich Street. B. Fischer and Co. Factory, model of old coffee roaster.
61-63 and 65-67 Duane Street, corner of Elk Street.
496 West Broadway. Old J. Personeni store.