Commencement Exercises, Public School No. 70
Annual Commencement of the Boys' Department, Public School No. 32
Graduation Exercises of Public School 64
Public School 67. Closing Exercises
Public School 10 Boys Commencement
Commencement Exercises of the Theodore Roosevelt Evening High School
De Witt Clinton High School Class Day Exercises
Class Day Exercises of the Senior Class, De Witt Clinton High School
Graduating Exercises of the Class of 1882, Grammar School, No. 47
E. E. Gauche [residence]. Vertical of door and window drapes.
Order of Exercises for Commencement at the Spingler Institute
E. E. Gauche [residence]. Direct view of fireplace & book cabinets.
Commencement Exercises. Food Trades Vocational High School
Graduation Exercises of Class of '97.
A. Charles Schwartz [residence]. Dressing table group with drawn blinds.