Harris' Point (Horen's Hook 1776) Wards Island and Hellgate, 1859.
A. Herrings Salamander Cafe Cor. Pine & Water Sts. ; B. Old Houses Cor. Water & Pine Sts. 1857.
4th Ave M.E. Church, cor. 22nd St. N.Y.
[Rhinelander Sugar House.]
A Topographical Map of the North Part of New - York Island exhibiting the Plan of Fort Washington now Fort Knyphausen
Plan of Fort Greene and Line of Intrenchments, from the Wallabout to Gowanus Creek, with a topographical sketch of the country.
Summer Residence of Fernando Wood, Mayor, 1855-, 1856- , 1857- , 1858-
[Old Sugar House.]
Ceremonies of Dedication of the Worth Monument
North Battery, Foot of Hubert St. Looking South, 1820
Fifer - 1st New York Regt. - McDougall's Fort. Ti - January 1776.
View of City Hall Park, Park Theatre, Broadway & Chatham St, & c. 1822.
Chatham Square, N.Y. 1812
Federal Hall: Inauguration of Genl George Washington, the First President of the United States, on the 30th of April 1789.
Sergeant of Marines - from 1st Penna. Bn Fort Ti. 16 August 1776.
Hudson River Hotel, Corner of Hoboken and West Streets, New York.
Corporal - 6th Penna. Bn - Irvine's Fort Ti - 29 November 1776.